Transforming Visions into Victories: Seven Years of Innovation, Growth of our users and partners, with Many More Years of Success Ahead.
In 2024, we are steadfast in our commitment to growth and excellence, striving to provide the best possible experience for our users. Converting more buyers with Create. Share. Earn. Now! formula
In 2023, we expanded our service offerings and also achieved a significant milestone by expanding our client base to 500 valued partners. Celebrated our achievement with the EARNIFY family of over 10K users
In 2022, we took another leap forward by introducing Telegram bot and Auto posting of deals to save our user time.
In 2020, we celebrated significant growth and achievements. We expanded our shopping sites base to a family of 200 valued partners and reached a major milestone by crossing a sales of 50 Lakhs (5 million INR) and paid over ₹10 lakhs to our loyal users. This continuous loop of improvement and innovation helped us refine our offerings and better serve our users.
In 2018, we took a significant step forward in enhancing our operational efficiency and customer experience. We transitioned our entire to a custom-built in-house dashboard and exclusive tool for affiliates. This pivotal move allowed us to streamline our internal processes, improve data accuracy, and provide our customers with a more seamless and responsive experience. The new dashboard also enabled better data analytics, giving us deeper insights into customer needs and helping us make more informed decisions.
In 2017, our journey began with a vision and a small, dedicated team. With just two passionate individuals, we laid the foundation of EARNIFY Our mission was clear: to make a significant impact in Affiliate Marketing Industry and help homemakers earn from home in simple way.